Friday, March 19, 2010

My Son's Class, School Annual Art Auction project

Each spring the school that my children attend have an art auction. This happens to be the project I worked on with my son's class. In my son's class the children are either just getting ready to turn two or are two years old. So this project was especially sweet. I painted their hands with paint, and for a two year old you would have thought I was painting mud on their hands, some loved it and some just hated the thought!

The kids who weren't so in love with the concept of having their hands painted are on the top, with the exception of Golden she loved having her hands painted! But you have to work with the esthetics and thus she only got 1 handprint. But the kids who loved having their hands painted were the two handed hearts on the bottom. For me getting prints of their hands was important to me because they are this little for just a short time and especially with my son that time seems to be flying! I wanted to cement that little handprint in history so to speak so I can always remember this time. I know the new owner of the stool, Oliver's family will appreciate that!
The top picture is of the top of the stool with the kids handprints that I turned into hearts. The second picture shows the darling dots and stripes on the base of the stool. The third shots shows the saying I painted "With love (shown with the heart) we will thrive". The fourth is another shot of the stool.

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